Avalanche Press
IDF: Israel Defense Forcesa sourcebook describing the war, its participants, their armies and their weaponry.29.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Coral Sea Second edition (ziplock)A entry point designed specifically for players new to Second World War at Sea29.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second Great War at Sea: Tropical Storma naval conflict between Argentina, Chile and Brazil breaking out in 1940 as part of the world-wide Second Great War33.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea Jutland 1919Supplement for Jutland and High Seas Fleet29.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War At Sea: Rise of the DragonA supplement for the Great War at Sea Russo-Japanese Warseries33.00 €Temporarily out of stock
La Campagne de Tunisie (Panzer Grenadier)Expansion for An Army at Dawn with 12 scenarios and 88 counters24.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier Parachutes Over Cretea complete Panzer Grenadier game based on the Battle for Crete69.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Arctic Convoy 2nd editionthe Allied attempts to push convoys through the Norwegian and Barents Seas65.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier Road to DunkirkThe British Expeditionary Force, 194079.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Africa Orientale Italianaa complete Panzer Grenadier game based on these battles: the Italian conquest of Somaliland and British re-conquest, the campaign in Eritrea including the bloody Battle of Keren, the invasion of Somaliland79.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Soldier Kings: The Potato Wara supplement for Soldier Kings to the War of the Bavarian Succession or Russo-Ottoman conflicts32.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Spearhead Divisiona supplement for Panzer Grenadier: Elsenborn Ridge game with 88 counters and 25 scenarios25.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Defiant Russia: Red VictoryExpansion for Defiant to play the end of War on Eastern Front
33.00 €27.00 €Stock-out -
Great War at Sea Cruiser Warfare Final EditionThe German player must disrupt Allied commerce and try to get the cruisers home if at all possible. The Allied player must track them down and destroy them before they can wreak havoc.38.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Ships of Plan Z105 new pieces for Second World War at Sea including battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers and smaller craft of Plan Z29.00 €Temporarily out of stock
The Second Great Wara sourcebook describing the world of Wilson’s Peace, one in which the great empires of Eastern Europe - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman Empire – survived for another generation.19.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Horn of Africathe battles between the Royal Navy’s Red Sea Force and the Regia Marina’s Red Sea Flotilla during the East African Campaign of 1940-194145.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea / Second World War at Sea: Cone of Firea boxed game for both the Second World War at Sea and Great War at Sea series99.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Conquest of Ethiopiaa complete boxed game in the Panzer Grenadier series79.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Go for Brokea book supplement for the Panzer Grenadier series, with 29 new scenarios depicting the actions of America's toughest fighters in the last years of the Second World War24.00 €1 item in stock
Battles of 1866: Blood & Ironan expansion book for Battles of 1866: Frontier Battles22.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Winter Furya new edition with a completely new map and more pieces.37.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second Great War at Sea - Tropic of CapricornThe story of the Second Great War in South American waters55.00 €1 item in stock
Great Pacific War: Co-Prosperity SphereExpansion for Great Pacific War with 4 scenarios and 90 counters24.00 €1 item in stock
Panzer Grenadier: Korean War - Counter Attacka complete boxed game in the Panzer Grenadier series69.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Plan ZPlan Z is a massive expansion set for Second World War at Sea, kicking off a new alternative history setting we’re calling The Long War.59.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Sea of Iron a complete Second World War at Sea boxed game based on actions on the Baltic Sea between 1939 and 1945.69.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea High Seas Fleet Second Editionwhat if Germany had the financial and industrial resources to build a fleet to challenge the British ? A supplement for GWAS Jutland, includes 70 counters and 42 scenarios29.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Invasion 1944Based on the battles waged by American troops in the days following the landings in Normandy, Invasion 1944 is specifically designed to introduce new players to the Panzer Grenadier system.39.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Rome At War III: Queen of the Celts9scenarios covering both the resistance to Roman invasion and Boudicca's "rebellion" a generation later39.00 €Stock-out
War of the States: Chickamauga & ChattanoogaIncludes both of these hard-fought battles and a combined campaign game49.00 €Stock-out
Soldier Emperor: Indian Empires Between 1767 and 1846, war and intrigue dominated the Indian sub-continent.39.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier The Kokoda CampaignIntroduction game to the Panzer Grenadier series39.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea Central PowersItaly, Austria-Hungary and Germany still struggling against Britain and France as new warships join the fleets of both sides29.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Rome at War: Hannibal at BayTactical wargame of moderate complexity that focuses on Hannibal versus Rome.35.00 €Stock-out
Rome at War II: Fading LegionsThe last true Roman armies try to stave off invasions by Germans, Persians and Gauls between 357 and 378 AD47.00 €Stock-out
Second World War at Sea: Royal Netherlands Navythe fleet the Dutch admirals hoped to build in our world, but could not get approved34.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea Triple AllianceWhat if Italy had honored her Alliance obligations, and joined the Germans and Austrians in a naval war against Britain and France?29.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier Elsenborn Ridgethe "north shoulder" of the Battle of the Bulge57.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Workers & Peasantsbook supplement for the Panzer Grenadier series based on the battles of 1941 and 194224.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: AirborneScenrio book for Panzer-Grenadier + a map19.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan ScarletPotential naval conflict betweeen Australia and US16.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War At Sea: U.S. Navy Plan RedPotential naval conflict betweeen Great-Britain and US49.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Desert RatsFightings in North Africa from November 1941 and May 194239.00 €Stock-out
Panzer Grenadier: Battle of the Bulgethe fighting in the southern sector of the Bulge59.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Afrika KorpsThe clashes of 1940 and 1941 in North Africa59.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Enlightened Warlords: A Player's Guide to Soldier KingsGame strategy for all eight Major Powers, a history of the Seven Years’ War, and a number of new variants to spice up your game16.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: The Kaiser's Navya book supplement for the Second World War at Sea game series, exploring the alternate history possibilities had Imperial Germany survived the First World War and continued its naval expansion plans.28.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Black Sea FleetsStalin's plans for a dominant fleet in the Black Sea, plus the fleets and naval air forces of Turkey and Romania24.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Second World War at Sea: Coral Sea Second editionA entry point designed specifically for players new to Second World War at Sea29.00 €Stock-out
Second World War at Sea: Eastern Fleet 3rd editionJapanese challenge the Royal Navy55.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea: U.S. Navy Plan Golda potential naval war between France and USA45.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier (Modern): 1967 - Sword of IsraelThe 6 day war on tactical scale115.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier - 1940: The Fall of Francea stand-alone game in the Panzer Grenadier series69.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Red God of WarThe Soviet Operation Mars. Millions of men clash at Rzhev in the winter of 1942, as the Red Army tries to drive the Germans back from the gates of Moscow27.00 €Stock-out
Island of DeathAxis plans to invade the strategic island of Malta in 194225.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Rome At War III: Queen of the Celts9scenarios covering both the resistance to Roman invasion and Boudicca's "rebellion" a generation later39.00 €Stock-out
Panzer Grenadier: Marianas 1944 American Marines and soldiers stormed ashore on Guam and Tinian28.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Saipan 1944 American Marines and soldiers stormed ashore on Saipan57.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War At Sea: DreadnoughtsIn 1906, a new kind of battleship slid into the water at Portsmouth Naval Dockyard.24.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War At Sea: JutlandThe naval the operations in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea62.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War At Sea: The Russo-Japanese WarThe naval side of the Russo-Japanese War47.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Panzer Grenadier: Eastern Frontthe opening year of this intense struggle, with 112 separate scenarios based on the actual battles waged in the Soviet Union during 1941.59.00 €Stock-out
Road to Berlin the furious battles of 1945, from the opening of the German counter-offensive in Hungary on New Year’s Day to the last stand of the panzers in Bohemia in May.59.00 €Stock-out
Great War at Sea: Bay of Bengala 64-page book supplement for the Great War at Sea series that examines naval conflict arising in and around the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean13.90 €Temporarily out of stock
Bismarck: Commerce Raiding in the North AtlanticLerman commerce raids into the Atlantic between the fall of 1939 and the summer of 194149.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Arctic Convoythe Allied attempts to push convoys through the Norwegian and Barents Seas49.00 €Stock-out
Great War at Sea: Pacific CrossroadsIntroductory boxed game for the Great War at Sea serie25.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Great War at Sea: The Mediterranean (3rd edition)The reprint of second edition59.00 €Temporarily out of stock