Clash of Arms
- La Bataille de WavreExpansion for the games The Battle of Ligny or The Battle of Mont St. Jean covering the Battle of Wavre48.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- La Bataille de Ligny (boxless)a complete graphic and rule upgrade of the original version in 1991135.00 €2 items in stock
- Legion of Honor (ziplock)Assumes the role of a French soldier starting out as a young sergeant or sous-lieutenant trying to make it in life beginning in 179263.00 €3 items in stock
- La Bataille de Mont Saint Jean - Expansion Kit editionFor owners of La Bataille de Ligny and La Bataille des Quatre Bras48.00 €2 items in stock
- BAR Primer 2nd editionan illustrated learning tool to accompany and enhance the Third Edition BAR rules36.00 €2 items in stock
- The Speed of Heat (boxless)air-to-air combat and air-to-ground combat during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts49.90 €Stock-out
- Wings of the MotherlandFighting Wings game system (Volume 4) goes to the Russian front139.00 €2 items in stock
- Jena! (boxless)the sons of the French Revolution under the command of emperor Napoleon Ier, meet and utterly destroy the heirs of Frederick the Great35.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Prague - The Empty Triumph (boxless) volume VII of The Battles From The Age of Reason74.00 €Stock-out
- Lobositz: First Battle of the Seven Years War (ziplock)Fifth game in the Battles from the Age of Reason series.39.90 €Stock-out
- La Bataille de la Moscowa (third edition) Ziplockin ziplock, last copies remaining129.00 €Stock-out