Grognard Simulations
- Death Ride Normandy: Utah Beachthe last of the "Beach" games that completes the Death Ride Normandy series320.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Armored Knights: Guderian Crosses the MeuseOperational combat in the 1940 Blitzkrieg110.00 €3 items in stock
- Death Ride Normandy - Gold BeachLanding on Gold Beach at company scale195.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Normandy - Juno BeachLanding of the 3rd Canadian division on Juno165.00 €1 item in stock
- Death Ride Normandy - CW Air-Maintenance-LogisticsThis enhancement provides Air, Maintenance, and Logistics elements to support the Commonwealth forces in the Normandy campaign90.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Normandy - Sword BeachLanding on Sword Beach at the company scale200.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Normandy: US Air-Maintenance-Logistics EnhancementPlay of Death Ride Normandy to a much higher experience
85.00 €75.00 €3 items in stock - Death Ride Normandy Omaha Beacha spectacular game, at platoon and company level, of the landings by the 1st and 29th US Infantry Divisions and their supporting elements.290.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Normandy Pointe du HocBase game for Death Ride Normandy series90.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Incredible Courage 1805: Wertingenthe First Contact of the Ulm campaign105.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Kursk - Army Detachment Kempf EnhancementExtra counters and rules for Air, Maintenance and Logistics50.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Kurk: III Panzer Korpsthe Base Game (2 boxes) for the AD Kempf Game Set390.00 €1 item in stock
- Incredible Courage 1809: Alt-EglofsheimThis battle deals with the situation after the Battle of Eckmuhl and the French pursuit of the Austrians. General Nansouty with 3 cavalry divisions takes on a significantly smaller Austrian cavalry rearguard attempting to keep the French away from the Austrian main body85.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Incredible Courage 1805: GunzburgThis battle deals with the situation at the start of the Battle for Ulm and the French cutting off of the Austrians. General Mahler of Marshall Ney's VI Corps is ordered to the south bank of the Danube.99.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Arrasthis simulation of the British Armies surprise attack on Rommel's 7th Panzer Division at the city of Arras is a good introduction to the Death Ride series99.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Kursk XLVIII EnhancementExpansion for Death Ride Kursk Gross Deutschland with new rules for Maintenance, Logistics, and Air55.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Death Ride Kursk 11th PanzerExpansion for Death Ride Kursk Gross Deutschland130.00 €Temporarily out of stock