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Between Wars
Land and FreedomCooperative game for 1-3 players leading the Republican forces during the Spanish War
Warsaw 1920a two-player wargame that recreates the Battle of Warsaw in 1920
Irish Freedoma solitaire wargame that simulates the Irish War of Independence from 1919 to 1921 and also covers the Irish Civil War from 1922 to 1923. 66.00 €
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Rise of TotalitarianismThe game covers the period 1919-1933 and is designed for three players 60.00 €
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Soviet Dawn Deluxe EditionThe deluxe edition and update of the classic Solitaire game, SOVIET DAWN. Can you deal with the great crises of the Revolution?
Storm Over AsiaStarting in 1935, Japan, China, Britain, and Russia prepare for war without being sure of just what is coming. 99.90 €
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Versailles 1919To make peace, Woodrow Wilson (United States), David Lloyd George (United Kingdom), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy), were hosted by President George Clemenceau (France) in Paris, and sat down to write what would become the Versailles Treaty.
Para Bellum 3Italian magzine with the game Corpo Truppe Volontarie (Spain 1937)