Napoléonic Wars
2 Années de Gloirefour battles that determined the outcome of the Prussian and Polish campaign from 1806 to 180748.50 €Temporarily out of stock
La Bataille de WavreExpansion for the games The Battle of Ligny or The Battle of Mont St. Jean covering the Battle of Wavre48.00 €In stock
La bataille de Dresde (damaged box)26-27 August 1813, Napoleon defeats Autrians
139.00 €129.00 €1 item in stock -
La Bataille de Ligny (boxless)a complete graphic and rule upgrade of the original version in 1991135.00 €2 items in stock
TLNB: Universal card decks (French and Coalition)the ONLY decks you will need for all future The Library of Napoleonic Battles games.26.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Eylau 1807 - Situation mapA wonderful piece of art, printed on high quality art paper. for Eylau 1807.19.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Eylau 1807 - GameFound Exclusive EditionEylau 1807, its beautiful wooden storage box and several add-ons199.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Eylau 1807 - mounted mapa mounted map for Battles of Napoleon : Eylau 180724.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Battles of Napoleon - Eylau 1807an epic game series that simulates the most famous battles of Napoleon on a tactical scale89.00 €2 items in stock
Napoleon's EndFour battles on the Seine, February-March 1814. The Campaign in France: Part III129.00 €1 item in stock
Commands & Colors Napoleonics Expansion 6: EPIC Napoleonics 2nd PrintingEPIC Napoleonics allows for fighting larger battles with more units.69.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Winter's VictoryA grand tactical game on the Battle of Eylau, Feb 7th - 8th 1807180.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Legion of Honor (ziplock)Assumes the role of a French soldier starting out as a young sergeant or sous-lieutenant trying to make it in life beginning in 179263.00 €Temporarily out of stock
Waterloo solitaireSolitaire boardgame playable in 60 minutes using cards.69.00 €Temporarily out of stock