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Vendee MilitaireLa Patrie est en danger ! Dans l’ouest, les Vendéens refusent de se battre aux frontières et réclament leurs bons prêtres. Une guerre terrible commence !
Breizh 1341En moins d’une heure, devenez le prochain duc de Bretagne !
Border States (English version)Border States is a tactical game for 2 players, with each player taking control of one side during the American Civil War. 29.90 €
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Border States (version française)Border States is a tactical game for 2 players, with each player taking control of one side during the American Civil War.29.90 €
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Saladin (English version)Saladin, first game in the “En Ordre de Bataille” series, recreates the famous battles of Hattin and Arsuf where Saladin was opposed by the Crusader hosts of Guy de Lusignan and then those of Richard the Lionheart. 29.90 €
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Saladin (version française)Saladin, first game in the “En Ordre de Bataille” series, recreates the famous battles of Hattin and Arsuf where Saladin was opposed by the Crusader hosts of Guy de Lusignan and then those of Richard the Lionheart.
Napoleon 1815 (English Version)
For up to three players, assume the role of Napoleon, Wellington, or Blucher, making the key decisions that will determine the fate of Europe.
Napoleon 1815 (Version française)
For up to three players, assume the role of Napoleon, Wellington, or Blucher, making the key decisions that will determine the fate of Europe.
Napoléon 1807 (English version )Through 13 varied scenarios relive the confrontations between the Russians and the French in the heart of the winter of 1806-1807 in Poland.
Napoléon 1807 (Version française)Through 13 varied scenarios relive the confrontations between the Russians and the French in the heart of the winter of 1806-1807 in Poland.