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Armageddon War (2024 reprint)Armageddon War is a platoon level game set in the near future. The first module focuses on the Mid-East, pitting Israelis, Russians, and Americans against age-old adversaries. 115.00 €
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Defending Americaa solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of an actual or experimental interceptor aircraft during a frightening look at what might have been in World War II 64.00 €
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The Battle of Armageddona 2 to 6 player game dealing with the final battle as foretold in the Bible prophecies as the armies of the world will fight the final battl 66.00 €
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Modern War 39: Axis of Evilan operational-strategic level two-player wargame covering a struggle between the Russian-led Eurasian Union and a Coalition of opposing states to gain control of the Middle East -
Ships of Plan Z105 new pieces for Second World War at Sea including battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers and smaller craft of Plan Z 29.00 €
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The Second Great Wara sourcebook describing the world of Wilson’s Peace, one in which the great empires of Eastern Europe - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman Empire – survived for another generation. 19.00 €
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CounterFact Issue 9With War in the MegaCity, a simulation of a fight for a city in the near future -
Armageddon War Strategy Guide a full-color, 16-page strategy guide and example of play that will teach you how to be a better Armageddon War player 19.00 €
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Alone in the DesertThe expansion includes rules for playing Armageddon War solitaire, six solitaire scenarios in a loose campaign, counters and cards 39.90 €
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Invaders from Dimension Xa solitaire game (with a two-player option) that begins the story of the brutal war between the invading alien Kay’otz race and the only human force capable of defeating them35.00 €
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