First World War
- Great War Commander - Cartes Stratégie (français)54 new Strategy cards for GWC
Version française15.00 €In stock - Great War Commander Strategy Cards (English)54 new Strategy cards for GWC
English version15.00 €In stock - Caporetto 1917The third volume of the series. The first four decisive days of the battle of Caporetto, in four scenarios79.00 €In stock
- Zeppelin Raider – 2nd Editionsecond edition of the game that puts you at the helm of zeppelins during the First World War65.00 €2 items in stock
- Italia 1917-1918 : A Farewell to Armsoperational system that recreates fighting on the Italian front between 1917 and 1918.59.00 €Stock-out
- 1914 Deluxe: Hell Unleashed1914 Deluxe is an operational level hex-and-counter wargame that covers the first few months of the First World War70.00 €2 items in stock
- Schutztruppe, Heia Safari, 1914-18an intriguing and detailed look at the East African Guerrilla war, 1914-191865.00 €In stock
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly 26 - Alternative Strategies of WW1an analysis of strategic decisions made during the First World War19.00 €2 items in stock
- First Strikesimulation of the "first strike" by British naval aircraft (Xmas 1914)20.00 €2 items in stock
- To The Green Fields BeyondTo the Green Fields Beyond is an operational level simulation of the Battle of Cambrai 20 November to 7 December, 1917.49.50 €Temporarily out of stock
- Steamroller 2nd editiona highly playable, tense, operational look at 1914's pivotal Tannenberg campaign49.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Hapsburg EclipseTake command of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and try to lead it through the Great War in this solitaire States of Siege game.50.00 €In stock
- Ottoman Sunset - 2nd EditionSolo game where you try to keep the Ottoman Empire alive amidst the struggles of the Great War50.00 €In stock
- Great War Commander 2nd printing - Update kit (English)Update your GWC's copy to 1.229.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Pursuit of Glory 2nd editiona sequel to the famous World War I card-driven game, Paths of Glory.57.00 €Stock-out