Death Ride Kursk - Army Detachment Kempf Enhancement
Price: 50.00 €
Publisher: Grognard Simulations
Reference: GSI-Kempf
Format: ziplock
Period: World War II
Temporarily out of stock
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This enhancement package adds some great detail to an already great game. The Air Enhancement adds better air operations and Interception, CAP, CAS, and Ground Attack missions. The Maintenance Enhancement adds recovery and repair operations. This forces additional planning and provides for more detailed replacements. The Logistics Enhancement adds supply transport column and supply points and requires the planning and proper use of those assets.
This enhancement comes with:
Air Enhancement charts and tables
Logistics Enhancement charts and tables
Maintenance Enhancement charts and tables
Approximately 650 double sided unit counters and markers
Good for Death Ride Kursk – III Panzer Korps and Korps Raus games