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One Small Step
Counterfact 12With the game The Mannerheim Line Campaign, 1939-40 29.00 €
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CounterFact Issue 11with Czech Legion: A solitare game on that elite unit's escape from the nascent Soviet Union just after WW1 29.90 €
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CounterFact Issue 10with Operation Pincher: Stalin's Drive In the Middle East, 1949 - What If? by Ty Bomba -
CounterFact Issue 9With War in the MegaCity, a simulation of a fight for a city in the near future -
CounterFact Issue 8With 1941: What If? An Alternative History Wargame of a Second Winter War by Ty Bomba -
Folio No. 13: TupamaroThe internal war between the Tupamarus and the forces of the Uruguayan State security from 1968 to 1972 fought in Montevideo 24.00 €
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Millennium Wars: Air WarPlayers can more realistically portray the air conflict component of any MW operation 19.00 €
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Guderian's War The German Advance on Moscow, 1941 65.00 €
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Miracle on the Marnean operational level game of the Battle of the Marne 49.00 €
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Ares Magazine Issue 3Includes Born of Titans, a game of heroism in the world of ancient Greek mythology. 30.00 €
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Millennium Wars: Koreaseveral potential crises on the Korean Peninsula during the present decade. 19.95 €
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Millennium Wars: Kashmirpotential war in the near future between India and Pakistan over this disputed region. 19.95 €
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Millennium Wars: Americahypothetical battle of hearts and minds as a broken US government attempts to rally the support of a disenfranchised population 19.90 €
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Putin Strikes: The Coming War for Eastern Europa two-player game (solitaire suitable) in which one player (the Russian player) commands the Kremlin's forces, and the other (the Allied player) commands a polyglot international coalition opposed to him 49.90 €
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Folio Series 10: Binh Dinh '69VIETNAM, 1969--The Tet Offensive is over, but the Communist insurgency on the Central Coast has not been defeated. 24.95 €
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2WW: The War in EuropeSmall in size, big in scope, 2WW: The War in Europe is playable in an evening 49.00 €
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No Trumpets No DrumsThe War in Vietnam, 1965-1975
New edition of The Wargamer game with a mounted map -
NATO, Nukes, and Nazis 2The successor to XTR's classic NATO, Nukes, and Nazis, this new version is a "What If" two-map mini-monster wargame set during the late-1980s in an alternative universe in which the Nazi regime survived World War II and is set to start World War III.65.00 €
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Folio Series 9: AlgeriaA simulation of the conflict between the FLN Arab nationalist guerrillas and the French government from 1954 to 1962 24.95 €
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CounterFact Issue 3comes with the game Millennium Wars Advanced: The Lebanon Scenarios 29.90 €
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CounterFact Issue 2Game review magzaine with a game inside (The First World War by Bill Banks) 26.00 €
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Holy Roman Empirea political and military game of the 17th Century struggle for empire that plunged Europe into one of its longest and most destructive wars