Vae Victis
Alexandre contre la PerseA tactical game which presents the first 3 battles in the By the Edge of the Sword Antiquity series.43.00 €1 item in stock
Tourcoing 1794the battle fought on 17th and 18th may 1794 between a French army and an army of the Coalition26.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 148 avec jeuIncludes the wargame with die-cut counters : Second Bull run15.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 147 avec jeuwith Lex Saxonum, a simulation of the conquest of Saxony by Charlemagne15.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 146 avec jeuWith the game La bataille d'Hondschoote fought on 8th september 179315.95 €Temporarily out of stock
Les guerres du Roi SoleilThe Wars of the Sun King is the first opportunity to play, with a single set of rules, the five conflicts led by France under the reign of Louis the Great.26.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 145 avec jeuIncludes La Der des Ders (the war to end all wars), a strategic simulation of WW115.95 €Stock-out
VaeVictis 144 avec jeuWith the Eagles of Danube, the first days of the 1809 campaign15.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 141 avec jeuWith the game Landau ou la mort ! - the winter campaign of generals Hoche and Pichegru in Alsace in 179315.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 140 avec jeu including the wargame : Qui ose gagne ! (Who dares wins !) Cyrenaïque 194215.95 €Temporarily out of stock
Avec Honneur et Panache two battles lead by Turenne: Rethel 1650 and Les Dunes 1658. Original system by Ben Hull, also used by avec Infini regret series26.95 €Stock-out
Héros et Roisfour battles from the series Au Fil de l’Epée, previously published in DTP by Canons en Carton, in revisited and redesigned versions.29.95 €Stock-out
VaeVictis 139 avec jeuincludes Hellespont (411/410 av. J.-C.) which focuses on the campaigns of Alcibiades against the Spartan Mindarus15.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 138 avec jeuIncluding the wargame : Wissembourg & Spicheren 187015.95 €Temporarily out of stock
VaeVictis 137 avec jeuWith the game Cortès et la conquête du Mexique15.95 €Temporarily out of stock
La bataille de FleurusFleurus 1794 is a wargame from the series "les batailles de la Revolution" (Battles of the French Revolutionary wars). It covers the battle of Fleurus, between the French army of General Jourdan and a Coalition force lead by Saxe-Cobourg26.95 €Stock-out