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Napoléonic Wars
Captain's SeaCaptain's Sea is a low-to-moderate complexity game for two players who take the roles as captains of the original American frigates their opponents from the British or French navies during the turn of the 19th Century.
The Battle for Dresden 1813a brigade level, two-player simulation depicting the two days of battle in and around the city of Dresden during Napoleon's 1813 campaign
1870: The War Against the Empirethe first month/phase of the Franco-German war, in which the combined armies of Germany overwhelmed the martial forces of Napoleon III in a lightning campaign
1812: Scorched Earththe French invasion of Russia in 1812 and their attempt to force a political collapse against the Tsar40.00 €
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3 jours de gloire 1805three battles of the German and Austrian campaigns of 1805, already published in the Jours de Gloire (Days of Glory) series, in a revised and redesigned edition: Elchingen, Hollabrunn, Austerlitz.
Napoleon’s Imperium, 1798-1815A team-based wargame fought out on an epic scale, set in the glorious Napoleonic Wars! Allowing up to eight players, each player can command one or several Empires in a Two Alliance Battle for Europe. 149.00 €
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Para Bellum 8Italian magzine with the game Tolentino 1815, the defeat of Murat against Autrians