Great War Commander

1864: On To Jutland!

1864: On To Jutland!
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Price: 40.00 €

Publisher: Conflict Simulations

Reference: CSL-1864

Format: box

Period: 19th Century and beginning of 20th


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1864: On To Jutland covers one of the 19th century’s least known conflicts, a brutal struggle for Schleswig and the Jutland peninsula as Denmark attempts to retain her holdings in Germany. The game is a quick playing, no-frills simulation which uses an odds-based Combat Result Table and Artillery Fire Table with a d10 roll to process combat. Headquarters can allow units to stack at greater limits and provide a little fog-of-war. Finally, a what-if option allows for Swedish intervention on the Danish side, as they had prepared around 30,000 volunteers to do so but it never came to fruition.

  • WEIGHT: 3/10
  • SOLITAIRE: 6/10
  • PLAYERS: 1-3

Design by Ray Weiss

Development by Matt Ward

Box art by Ivan Caceres

Map art by Ilya Kudriashov