MMP - Battalion Combat Series
ASL::ASL maps::Battalion Combat Series::Operational Combat Series::Standard Combat Series::Tactical Combat Series
- Valley of TearsBattalion Combat Series game depicting the entire 1973 Yom Kippur war145.00 €3 items in stock
- ArracourtBattalion Combat Series (BCS) game depicting the forlorn Axis counterattack to stop Patton’s drive across France in September 194478.00 €Stock-out
- Panzers Last Standa Battalion Combat Series game depicting the Axis relief operations of Budapest from January to March 1945149.90 €1 item in stock
- Brazen Chariots: Battles for Tobruk, 1941 a Battalion Combat Series (BCS) game that chronicles fighting in the North African desert towards the end of 1941.89.00 €Stock-out
- The Last BlitzkriegThe first entry in the new Battalion Combat Series (BCS), which simulates combat in World War II at the battalion scale.129.00 €Stock-out