Assault on Gallipoli

Avec Infini Regret IV

Avec Infini Regret IV
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Price: 27.90 €


Publisher: Vae Victis

Reference: VV-AIRIV

Format: magazine

Period: XVII & XVIII century


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Jarnac - 13th March 1569

The Protestant rearguard led by Admiral de Coligny was threatened by the entire Catholic army that crossed the Charente near Jarnac. The heavily outnumbered Huguenots put up a desperate fight. Threatened with being turned on their right by the reîtres, the Protestants retreated in good order.

Condé, at the head of 300 lances, threw himself into the battle to delay the enemy's advance. The gendarmes only managed to push the Catholics back for a short time.  At the height of the charge, Condé was unhorsed; immobilised, he handed his sword to a Catholic gentleman as a sign of surrender.  It was then that Montesquiou, captain of the King's guard, intervened, shouting ‘Kill...Mordiou...Kill!’ and fired a pistol at point-blank range, killing the Prince instantly. In control of the battlefield, the Royal Army was unable to capitalise on this victory.

Arques - 21 September 1589

Henri IV was waiting near Dieppe for reinforcements and money from England. The Ligueurs, led by the Duke of Mayenne, wanted to prevent this landing and attacked the royal troops entrenched at the junction of two valleys. The attack by the Ligueurs, led by the cavalry on the front and by the lansquenets on the left wing, broke through the solid defences of the Royalists. The latter counter-attacked and drove the enemy back to their original positions.

With no way of breaking through the defences, the Ligueurs withdrew, leaving the victory to the King. The King expresses his joy to his comrade-in-arms who was absent that day: ‘Brave Crillon, pity you for not having been near me ...’.


  • Two 59 x 41 cm maps, one printed on the back
  • 216 pre-cut double-sided counters and markers
  • A booklet of rules and scenarios
  • A full-colour game aid.