Arabian Struggle
Price: 55.00 €
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Conflict of Wills: Arabian Struggle is a 2-3 player war game set in the 20th century. It is the sequel to Judean Hammer.
Arabian Struggle is a card-driven conflict game set in the Arabian Peninsula in the early years of the 20th Century. Three players each take one faction seeking to gain power over Arabia: The Hashemites (green pieces), the Rasheedis (black pieces), and the Saudis (white pieces). Each faction must deal not only with the other two factions, but also with the considerable interference of two non-player empires, the Ottomans (red pieces) and the British (blue pieces)
A two-player scenario variant is included.
This is the second game in the Conflict of Wills series, which started with Judean Hammer (sold separately: HEXASIM-Judean Hammer).
- PLAYERS: 2-3
- TIME TO PLAY: 60-90 Minutes
- 1 Map Sheet
- 60 Faction pieces (20 per Faction)
- 20 Empire pieces
- 5 Nomad pieces + 1 Era marker
- 48 Cards
- 4 Dice (4d6)
- 1 Card Mat
- 1 Rulebook