Para Bellum XI
Price: 22.00 €
3 items in stock
More infos
In ricordo di Prados
Napoleone a scala strategica
Pro e contro delle serie, parte prima
Articolo Storico: L’Undicesima Battaglia dell’Isonzo
GIOCO: Inferno sull’Isonzo, Bainsizza 1917
Articolo Storico: Arditi sulla Bainsizza
Appunti dalle terre di Yamato
Wargamers: Apocalittici o Integrati?
Consigli di gioco per Give Us Victories
Recensione libri
Troia: una guerra di eroi
Variante per Troia!: Una sfida “omerica”
Scenario per X MAS: Baia di Suda
Scenario per De Bello Punico: Cannae
Associazioni e gruppi di gioco
Inferno sull’Isonzo, Bainsizza 1917
A simulation about the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo, a World War I battle fought by the Italian and Austro-Hungarian Armies on the Italian Front between 18 August and 12 September. The main effort was exerted on the Bainsizza Plateau. A game of Andrea Brusati with the same system of Inferno sugli Altipiani (Para Bellum I).
English Version
In memory of Prados
Napoleon on a strategic scale
Series pros and cons, part one
Historical Article: The Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo
GAME: Hell on the Soča, Bainsizza 1917
Historical Article: Arditi on Bainsizza
Notes from the Lands of Yamato
Wargamers: Apocalyptic or Integrated?
Gaming tips for Give Us Victories
Book Review
Troy: A War of Heroes
Variant for Troy: A Homeric Challenge
Scenario for X MAS: Suda Bay
Scenario for De Bello Punico: Cannae
Associations and game groups
Hell on the Isonzo, Bainsizza 1917
A simulation about the Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo, a World War I battle fought by the Italian and Austro-Hungarian Armies on the Italian Front between 18 August and 12 September. The main effort was exerted on the Bainsizza Plateau. A game by Andrea Brusati with the same system as Inferno sugli Altipiani (Para Bellum I).