Lock 'n Load: Noville - Bastogne's Outpost

Price: 39.00 €
Publisher: Lock N Load
Reference: LNL-NOV
Format: box
Period: World War II
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Designed by Lock 'n Load guru, Robert Herzner, Lock 'n Load: Noville -Bastogne's Outpost is an expansion to Band Of Heroes that depicts the intense fighting for the small town of Noville. Located northeast of Bastogne, Noville was defended byAmerican Leader in Noville -Bastogne's Outpost Team Desobry, straggers from a handful of shattered American formations, elements of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, and a handful of M-18 Hellcats from the 609th Tank Destroyer Battalion. This patchwork quilt of men and machines held Noville for two days against the onslaught of the German's 2nd Panzer Division and 26th Volkgrenediers.
American RiflemenNoville -Bastogne's Outpost depicts this fierce struggle on a verdant 22" x 34" map created from actual maps of the period. There are six scenarios (listed below) featuring tense battles between American tank-infantry teams against Panzer Grenadiers, Volksgrenadiers, and Panzers of the Wehrmacht. Beautiful new counters, drawn by David Julien, include American M4A3E8 East Eight Shermans, M-18 Wildcats, M8 Armored cars, German Jagpanthers, Volsgrenadiers, and more.
This game is NOT a complete game. You must own Band of Heroes (1st or 2nd edition) and Swift and Bold to play Noville -Bastogne's Outpost. The screenshots contain actual counters, but not the actual map. We'll be posting pictures of the map when completed.