Welcome on Hexasim website
Hexasim, wargames publisher and retailer.
GWC is back!
29th September 2023

We are pleased to announce the availability of Great War commander 2nd Printing. The BEF expansion and Battle Pack nr1 are available as well. GWC is the reference WW1 tactical game. Do not miss the opportunity!
Next releases
09th November 2022

The game that started the Eagles of France series comes in a new edition.
Waterloo 1815 Fallen Eagles II features a new map, revised counters, mini maps for each scenario and the latest version of the rules.

Austerlitz 1805 Rising Eagles and Tenkatoitsu are being reprinted.
Tenkatoitsu is expected at the beginning of December, while Austerlitz 1805 while be back mid Januaray
Great War Commander
31 January 2018
Preorders of Great War Commander are now open. Release is expected at the end of March.
Ligny 1815 : Last Eagles
22 November 2017
A new entry in the Eagles of France series is on sale. Ligny 1815: Last Eagles is expected on your gaming table for Christmas.
Great War Commander
7 septembre 2017
The production of Great War Commander has begun.
Some components are being sent to our printers.
English rules are online on this page.
By Shot, Shock and Faith available
25th March 2016
By Shot, Shock and Faith is finally available. We are shipping to preorders.
By Shot, Shock and Faith coming soon
20th March 2016
The last components for By Shot, Shock and Faith will finally be delivered this week.
Shipping to preorders will start right after.
Examples booklet is now online.
By Shot, Shock and Faith
24th January 2016
By Shot, Shock and Faith , the English version of "Par le feu, le fer et la foi", will be available at the end of February. This grand tactical simulation of the French Wars of Religion includes 5 battles. Preorders are open.
Back in stock...
2nd January 2016
Liberty Roads and its expansion Roundhammer 1943 are back in stock.
Allemagne 1813 (ziplock version)
1st october 2015
Allemagne 1813 is now sold in ziplock. Content is the same than boxed game except the dice. Boxed version is sold out.
Waterloo 1815 - Fallen Eagles is out!
15 June 2015
We have received all the components of Waterloo 1815 - Fallen Eagles from our printers. Shipping of preorders has just started.English rules of de Fallen Eagles
5 June 2015
English rules of Waterloo 1815, Fallen Eagles are online.
2 games in June !
27 March 2015

Preorders for both games are open. Expected release in June 2015.
Great War Commander...
23 September 2014
Some details about Great War Commander, our tactical WW1 game coming next year.
18 June 2014
199 years ago Napoleon fight his last battle... We are proud to show one of your future game: Waterloo 1815, Fallen Eagles. Expect release: Q1 2015.
New shipping costs policy
2nd February 2014
Our shipping costs have been updated. Neighbouring countries of France have now free shipping for large orders. More details here.
Vassal Module for Napoleon against Europe
9th November 2013
The Vassal module for Napoleon against Europe has been updated and now includes English cards
Vassal Module for Napoleon against Europe
19th September 2013
The Vassal module for Napoleon against Europe is online
Spanish rules for Napoleon against Europe
24th May 2013
Spanish rules for Napoleon against Europe are available online
Napoleon against Europe shipping
1st May 2013
It was quite longer than planned, but the day has come! Shipping of preorders of the English version of Napoleon against Europe will start on Friday 3rd May.
Napoleon against Europe English rules
8th April 2013
English rules are now online.
Napoleon against Europe
6th March 2013
The English version of Napoleon against Europe will ship in a couple of weeks. We are including some erratas and updates in the rules.
The French version was released 2 weeks ago. Have a look at what you will get...
Napoleon against Europe
26th January 2013
Some production issues have delayed the release of Napoleon against Europe. Cards, box and game board are printed and are in our warehouse. Counters will be die-cut next week. We are reviewing the English translation. More news on the date of release will come soon.
Napoleon against Europe at the printer
15th November 2012
Cards, counters, box and game board of Napoleon against Europe are now at the printer. Game board image has been updated on the gamepage.
Napoleon against Europe...
11th October 2012
Our next game, Napoleon against Europe, will be released in December. You can preorder it now.
Back to 1980...
24th September 2012
If Liberty Roads and Roundhammmer 1943 had been released in 1980, they could have looked like this. Vintage counters by Yves "What-if" Le Quellec.
Vassal and Cyberboard modules for Almeida-Bussaco 1810
2nd May 2012
Available on the download page.
Review of Liberty Roads
16th April 2012
A video review of Liberty Roads by Marco Arnaudo is now online on Youtube //youtu.be/zWsAagkTI7c