Assault on Gallipoli

Ancient Warfare VIII-3

Ancient Warfare VIII-3
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Price: 7.50 €

Publisher: Karwansaray Publishers

Reference: KAR-AWarfV8-3

Format: magazine

Period: Antiquity


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Theme: Horsemen of the steppes

• Sidney E. Dean, "Historical introduction"

• Michael Taylor, "Herodotus book 4: reality and construct" (Source)

• Owen Rees, "The Amazons: horse(wo)men of the steppes"

• Cam Rea, "Dugdammi: king of the world"

• Marc G. De Santis, "Scythian expedition of Darius I"

• Filippo Donvito, "Battle of the River Thatis, 309 BC"

• Matthew Beazley, "Battle of Jaxartes"

• Joseph Hall, "On the cover"


• Konrad Stauner, "Roman emperors, their armies, and the parapompê"

• Arianna Sacco, "Seti I's campaigns in Egyptian reliefs"

• Duncan B. Campbell, "How long was the sarissa?"