ASL::ASL maps::Battalion Combat Series::Operational Combat Series::Standard Combat Series::Tactical Combat Series
- The Forgotten Battles(OCS) the key fighting between late September 1943 and April 1944 in the Army Group Center portion of the Russian front.179.00 €New item Mid February
New items available soon
- ASL Journal #15a 36-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader that features articles, and scenarios34.00 €In stock
- Rostov '41: Race to the Don (reprint)the 21st Standard Combat Series (SCS) game covering the bold—some would say “foolhardy”—dash by Army Group South to take Rostov in the late fall of 194148.00 €In stock
- ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3 (slightly damaged corner)two new 8" x 22" geomorphic mapboards (h and g) and eight new scenarios
42.00 €39.00 €Temporarily out of stock - Doomed Battalions 4th Edition4th edition of the the Advanced Squad Leader Allied Minors expansion160.00 €In stock
- ASL Arnhem 2024a scenario pack that features four new scenarios around Arnhem during Operation MARKET GARDEN19.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Thunder on the MississippiGrant’s 1863 campaign to capture Vicksburg including 11 scenarios and a campaign110.00 €In stock
- Special Ops Issue 12 - 2024MMP games magazine, including the game Warriors of England39.90 €In stock
- ASL Action Pack #19 - Roads to Rangoon3 maps and 10 new scenarios for ASL39.90 €Temporarily out of stock
- The Greatest Day: Utah Beachthe second of three volumes in the Grand Tactical Series that covers the Battle for Normandy in June of 1944.320.00 €3 items in stock
- Operational Matters: An OCS Guide plus Sicily II (reprint)An OCS Guide + Sicily II69.90 €Temporarily out of stock
- Operational Matters Volume 2 w/LuzonOCS Magazine, with the game Luzon49.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Skirmisher #44th magazine in the Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series of games (MMP)26.00 €1 item in stock
- ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 15 (2024)4 new scenarios and 3 new deluxe ASL boards49.00 €In stock
- ASL Twilight of the ReichASL module with 17 scenarios focusing on the end of the Reich155.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Crimeaovers the series of campaigns in the Crimean Peninsula during the war on the Eastern Front.89.90 €Temporarily out of stock
- Valley of TearsBattalion Combat Series game depicting the entire 1973 Yom Kippur war145.00 €3 items in stock
- Goose Greena Tactical Combat Series (TCS) game covering the first land battle of the Falklands War on May 28, 198229.90 €1 item in stock
- Ardennes IIa Standard Combat Series reissuing of the award-winning game Ardennes from 199376.00 €1 item in stock
- ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #3two new 8" x 22" geomorphic mapboards (h and g) and eight new scenarios42.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Special Ops 11 2023 - GettysburgMMP games magazine, including the game Gettysburg36.00 €2 items in stock
- ASL Journal #14 a 56-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader that features articles, scenarios, and a Historical ASL Campaign Game62.00 €In stock
- GTS Briefings Volume 1a magazine designed to support players of Grand Tactical Series. It also includes the newest GTS game, Strike – Counter Strike, 4th Armored Division vs Panzer Lehr along the Saar.68.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Storm Over Jerusalema card-assisted, area-movement game based on Multi-Man Publishing’s Storm Over series of games82.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- ASL Drop Zone: Sainte-Mère-Églisea Historical Advanced Squad Leader (HASL) module covering the first two days of the battles around the important Norman town of Sainte-Mère-Église84.00 €In stock
- ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 14 (2023)three new scenario designs by Pete Shelling and two new boards (89/90)36.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- ASL Journal #13a 52-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features articles, the latest errata and scenario updates in the Debriefing, 33 new scenarios, ASL board 77, and overlay X2059.90 €Temporarily out of stock
- ASL Overlay Bundlea re-printing of every overlay (on 37 cardstock sheets)47.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Hakkaa Päälle ASL reprintthe complete order of battle for the Finns ASL module 14115.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- A Victory AwaitsUsing a lightly modified version of the A Victory Lost system, the game covers Operation Barbarossa from June 22 to mid-September79.90 €1 item in stock
- Special Ops 10 2022MMP magzine, with the game Blitzkrieg to Moscow 2.38.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- Skirmisher 3third magazine in the award-winning Great Campaigns of the American Civil War series of games, centered around the module Atlanta Is Ours18.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- ASL Sword and Fire: ManilaHistorical Advanced Squad Leader (HASL) module covering the month-long American effort to wrest control of "The Pearl" from the Japanese129.00 €1 item in stock
- Race For Bastognea Grand Tactical Series (GTS) game that covers one sliver in the history of the Battle of the Bulge165.00 €In stock
- Tunisia II (damaged corner)an Operational Combat Series game covering the campaign in Northwest Africa from November 1942 through May 194355.00 €Stock-out
- ArracourtBattalion Combat Series (BCS) game depicting the forlorn Axis counterattack to stop Patton’s drive across France in September 194478.00 €Stock-out
- ASL Pocket Chapter Hthe Pocket Chapter H that for the first time collects all the ASL vehicles and ordnance for all the nationalities in one place44.90 €1 item in stock
- ASL Pocket Charts all the ASL charts in a reduced-size, spiral-bound format32.00 €2 items in stock
- ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 13 (2022)four new scenario and three new Deluxe boards (m/n/o)39.90 €1 item in stock
- ASL Hollow Legions, 3rd EditionThis updated version of HOLLOW LEGIONS includes the complete contents of the original , plus all the scenarios, boards, rules, and Desert parts from the now-superseded WEST OF ALAMEIN, plus Soldiers of the Negus, and 29 out-of-print scenarios.165.00 €Temporarily out of stock
- North Africa: Afrika Korps vs Desert Rats, 1940-42The award-winning Operational Combat Series monster game DAK in a tighter, faster-playing SCS format79.00 €1 item in stock
- ASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV16-scenario pack and 2 map dedicated to the 1st Cavalry Division32.00 €1 item in stock
- Panzers Last Standa Battalion Combat Series game depicting the Axis relief operations of Budapest from January to March 1945149.90 €1 item in stock
- Autumn for Barbarossa (Deluxe Edition)a Standard Combat Series (SCS) game originally published in Special Ops magazine #7 (2017), covering the struggle to seize Smolensk in the late summer of 194139.90 €Stock-out
- ASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2two new 8" x 22" boards (i and j) and eight new scenarios that encompass a wide range of actions from China in 1938 to The Philippines in 194524.00 €1 item in stock